Hong Kong billionaire Ly Gia Thanh wants to invest in Ho Chi Minh City, especially focusing on infrastructure and logistics

14-04-2022 - 12:28 PM


Infrastructure investment is also the strength of CK Asset Holdings Limited - one of the largest corporations in Hong Kong founded by Billionaire Ly Gia Thanh with many investment achievements spanning from Hong Kong, China and many other countries. other family. CK Asset Holdings Limited has a history of more than 70 years, currently has total assets of more than 80 billion USD, equity of more than 50 billion USD and revenue in 2020 is more than 9 billion USD.





CK Asset Holdings Limited Group (Hong Kong) of billionaire Ly Gia Thanh together with a leading Japanese corporation, Orix Corporation (Japan) - through a local partner, Van Thinh Phat Group - had a meeting. Working with Chairman of the Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee Phan Van Mai to promote and seek investment opportunities.


This is one of the important activities in the strategy of attracting foreign investment capital to promote economic and social reconstruction of Ho Chi Minh City. Speaking at the meeting, Mr. Phan Van Mai - Chairman of the People's Committee of Ho Chi Minh City - called on investors to join the City in investing in infrastructure, creating a premise for solid economic development. "We encourage all capital flows to invest in the infrastructure sector, including economic infrastructure such as roads, ports, logistics; social infrastructure such as housing, health care, education and digital infrastructure."


Infrastructure investment is also the strength of CK Asset Holdings Limited - one of the largest corporations in Hong Kong founded by Billionaire Ly Gia Thanh with many investment achievements spanning from Hong Kong, China and many other countries. other family. CK Asset Holdings Limited has a history of more than 70 years, currently has total assets of more than 80 billion USD, equity of more than 50 billion USD and revenue in 2020 is more than 9 billion USD.


Justin Chiu, CEO of CK Asset Holdings Limited, said: "We highly appreciate the large-scale transport infrastructure investment programs, with strategic projects to promote regional connectivity and create momentum. Socio-economic development that the Vietnamese government is implementing.With the financial capacity and successful investment experience in large infrastructure projects in the world, CK Asset is committed to pouring investment capital together with Van Thinh Phat. make big investments in these areas as soon as possible".


In addition to infrastructure investment, Mr. Chiu said that CK Asset is particularly impressed with the strategy of positioning the city to become a financial and technology center of the region in the future of Ho Chi Minh City. According to him, this is a right strategy, showing the vision and enthusiasm of the city's leaders as well as the government.


Mr. Chiu also shared that, in the past time, CK Asset had the opportunity to survey the projects of Van Thinh Phat Group and was convinced. Because in order to keep the land fund as clean and seamless as it is in a city like Ho Chi Minh City, the investor must have a very strong vision and commitment. "If properly developed to their potential, we believe that these projects will contribute to redefining the "liability" of this city, shaping the stature of Ho Chi Minh City in particular and Vietnam in general. ", he said.


Within the framework of this working session, there were also appearances of ORIX Corporation (Japan) and Van Thinh Phat Group. These three partners will closely cooperate in investment projects in Ho Chi Minh City as well as throughout Vietnam.


In which, ORIX Corporation is a global corporation with a long history in Japan with nearly 60 years of construction and development. Currently, ORIX is headquartered in 31 countries and territories, with more than 888 subsidiaries, 134 affiliated companies. ORIX Corporation is one of the world's largest renewable energy groups with more than 3GW installed worldwide and a leading investor in the finance, insurance and real estate industries. By the end of 2021, ORIX Corporation is managing assets of up to $400 billion, more than 33,000 employees, revenue of more than $13.5 billion, total assets of $91 billion and equity of $24 billion.



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